ESSEX: Fake tan, big hair, stilettos: it's the only way in our county!
ESSEX fever is set to sweep the nation when a new ten-part TV series hits our screens.
Living soap,
The Only Way Is Essex, is set to turn two Brentwood girls into instant stars of the small screen when it airs next month.
We'll certainly be seeing a lot of
Amy Childs, 20, and 19-year-old
Samantha Faiers when they go about their daily lives on the show next month.
Both were cast for the part-soap opera, part-documentary, part-reality show after producers spotted them partying on nights out in the town.
Tanya Cagehin, 20, works in the Slug and Lettuce in Brentwood High Street, a venue where the girls from the show can regularly be spotted with a glass of rosé in their hands.
Tanya jumps straight in with the gossip on beautician Amy.
She said: "Amy got a boob job for her 18th birthday.
"She comes in for lunch and is always glammed up when she does. She never slums it and always looks nice with the latest fashions on and immaculate make-up."
She added: "Amy's always chatty, she's not stuck-up at all like people might think, and she's really nice, unlike some of the girls around here. I think she went to Shenfield School so is a local girl born and bred."
Sam's also a known face around Brentwood and has had success as a glamour model for lads magazines like Nuts.
"I know Sam because I used to work opposite her ex-boyfriend Mark Palmer at Salon G," Tanya told the Gazette
"They were together for years. I always saw them in the bagel shop together. She would be in there in her bank uniform which is where she worked at the time."
Are Sam's glamour shots all airbrushing? Tanya doesn't think so: "She always looks nice when she comes in here, as well as in her photo shoots."
Denise Wadey who works in Caci Clinicii beauty salon in Brentwood High Street, says she recognises most of the girls in the upcoming series as they are regulars at the numerous beauticians in the town.
"Amy is a lovely girl," said Denise "She works at Virgin V salon in Chigwell. I know all her family, they live round here. Her mum does cupcakes and her dad has a gardening centre around the corner from here."
Denise thinks Amy, who has dated a few as-yet unnamed football players, will react well to the attention the series is likely to generate.
"Amy does like a bit of glamour," smiled Denise. "Yes, she's always liked the idea of fame."
The Only Way Is Essex is shown on ITV2 .
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